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TangentWorks introduces InstantML technology for Machine Learning time series forecasting and anomaly detection

United Kingdom, London - 10/02/2019 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — TangentWorks [  ] introduces its InstantML technology for predictive and prescriptive analytics, Machine Learning and AI scenarios for time series.


TangentWorks is one of the leaders in Automatic Model generation for Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligences (AI) for time series and anomaly detection.


The InstantML technology creates models in seconds based on target and predictor time series with one pass through the data, resulting in blazing fast response without engineering effort. Models are available through one API saving you the hassle to create an API for each model and is readily available for forecasting and anomaly detection use cases. 


This technology brings Machine Learning to new state of automation. Various analysts agree that by 2025, half of the model generation work done by hard to find data scientist will be automated by artificial intelligence resolving the issue of talent shortage. 


Where AutoML supports the engineering process and reduces time required, InstantML further reduces the burden to seconds without engineering. Years of research have created the TIM engine based on a blend various mathematical techniques including Information Criteria / Geometry. 


With RTInstantML (Real Time InstantML), TangentWorks goes one step further. The speed of the model generation process allows modelling / prediction in one go. This offers the optimal trained model for the data available at any time with immediate forecasting or anomaly detection.


Target markets for this technology include - the Energy sector with use cases such as forecasting of load, imbalance, renewables and price - Manufacturing, Optimization and preventive maintenance, … - Transport, predict supply and demand, Optimize the performance of service, and many more.


TangentWorks is one of the first in automating the model generation process in predictive and prescriptive analytics scenarios, supporting machine learning / artificial intelligence business case on time series data such as forecasting and predictive and preventive maintenance, anomaly detection in various markets such as the Energy/Utilities and Manufacturing market. 


TangentWorks takes advantage of Microsoft Azure Data Factory and Azure Databricks for data integration,  Azure Machine Learning and  Microsoft Office 365 Flow for business process orchestration.


Dirk Michiels, CEO of TangentWorks said “We are thrilled to introduce the TangentWorks InstantML technology with our TIM product. This technology allows our customers to benefit from AI/Machine Learning in an extremely easy way. This is a game changer for automation of Machine Learning model generations and usage. We also deliver this solution on Microsoft Azure now. This allows TangentWorks to deliver its Automatic Machine Learning model generation capabilities, including automatic feature enegineering to Microsoft customers and partners”


“Undoubtedly, AI is one of the most important advances in manufacturing and the energy and utilities space. TangentWorks deployment on Microsoft Azure brings automation to the Machine Learning process, easing the acute talent shortage”, said Çalayan Arkan, Global Lead Manufacturing & Resources Industry at Microsoft. 


About TangentWorks 

Headquartered in Belgium and with Office in Bratislava, London, TangentWorks delivers automatic model building capabilities for timeseries forecasting and anomaly detection y by analyzing historical time-series data, including all the possible influencers, and figure out which data is relevant to the predicted output, in what combinations, over which time intervals. A breakthrough architecture based on a field of mathematics known as “information geometry” allows the solutions to deliver models fast, accurate, scalable and provides “explainable AI” instead of black box models.


The company has received worldwide recognition and industry awards including the IEEE GEFCOM competition, The Global Energy Forecast COMpetition.


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Media Contacts:

Company Name: Tangent Works
Full Name: Dirk Michiels
Phone: +32477203374
Email Address: Send Email