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Stem Cells 21 In Revolutionary Stem Cell Therapy Program

BANGKOK, THAILAND - 09/22/2017 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Stem Cells 21 medical center is a state-of-the-art, multifunction clinic based in Bangkok, Thailand. It specializes in biotechnology and stem cell therapies.

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of life. In their most basic form they are undifferentiated cells, that is, they are assigned no particular role in organ development.

What makes stem cells stand out in the body make-up is their versatility. From their undifferentiated state, they have the ability to develop into many different types of cells. These include blood cells, muscle cells and brain cells. They also have the capability to divide endlessly and are capable of self-renewal. They thus provide a virtually limitless supply and, from a medical standpoint, stem cells are invaluable in the process of healing as they serve as the body’s own repair system in case of disease or injury.

Medical research has increasingly turned the focus on curative and healing processes that the body itself supplies. Whereas most curative regimens have hitherto focused on external stimuli to treat disease, advances in the medical field have looked to the human body itself to supply the materials and mechanisms to treat any disorders that may beset it.

Stem cell therapy is used to treat various conditions including heart disease, kidney disorders and liver disease. Stem cells are additionally used to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, diabetes, infertility, orthopaedic and other sport-related injuries. Stem cells are also particularly effective when used in anti-aging therapies.

Mesenchymal stem cells are particularly versatile in their ability to differentiate or specialise into various kinds of cells. These include cartilage cells, bone cells, muscle cells and fat cells. Traditionally sourced from the bone-marrow,  mesenchymal stem cells may also be isolated in cord blood, peripheral blood, lungs and fallopian tubes.

Stem Cells 21 recognises the huge benefits that accrue from the use of stem cells in treating disease and injury. We have instituted a programme that is designed to help families both in their current and future medical needs. A newborn baby’s umbilical cord is normally thrown away after birth. However, this cord tissue is a precious resource and can prove very useful, not only to the child when he or she grows up, but also in meeting the medical needs of the other family members.

The umbilical cord tissue from the newborn is delivered to our facility under normal refrigerated conditions. Our specialized, and highly experienced medical team then cultures mesenchymal stem cells from this tissue and cryo-freezes them for future use. Since these stem cells are by their very nature universally acceptable, they will serve as a useful medical reserve for any family member (or indeed a friend of the family) to draw upon in case of illness or injury.

Stem Cells 21 welcomes enquiries into the various treatments and therapies on offer as well as our ground-breaking mesenchymal stem cell programme that is designed to take care of the whole family’s medical requirements.  

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Stem Cells 21
Full Name: Paul Collier
Phone: +66 26507709
Email Address: Send Email