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Due to the proximity of the elections in this country, scheduled on November 3rd to elect the new president, vice president of this nation, among other elected offices.  We gave ourselves the duty to further identify what some religious denominations established in this country affirm.

We were particularly interested in the position of the leaders of The Light of the World Church, one of the fastest growing Christian churches in Mexico and the world with presence in all 50 states in the United States, which lately has an important presence in the media where it has made public statements regarding different topics.

We were greeted by Jack Freeman, a communications co-director of The Light of the World Church in Los Angeles, California.  He informed us, among other things, that the faithful members of church community exercise their citizenship commitment to vote in a free and discreet manner according to Biblical teachings. 

The spokesperson and religious minister highlighted that one of the daily activities of the church is to teach its members to pray for the authorities as well as to respect them, independently of the political party they represent.

Concerning the electoral process in the United States, he pointed out that the members of the church are also at liberty to research so that they can make their own free and educated vote for the candidates of their choosing. The church also publishes the photos of those members who wish to share images voting.

It has been said about The Light of the World Church, that you tell your members who to vote for, tell me, What is the role in the church in the electoral process?

We have to keep in mind, at all times, and under any civil government, that the civic duties have to be complied and respected.

The members of the church are also citizens, and we know how to act out our citizenship responsibly to work towards the benefit of our communities.

Even though these are not exclusive obligations of the members of the Church, we put an effort every day to be an example of patriotism, because a good citizen participates and is responsible to carry out all civic duties.

It is said that voting is one of the most important decisions for all citizens, so tell me, what importance does it have for you to be able to elect a government representative?

Christians are also citizens; and, we thrive to live this life with peace, liberty and dignity. That is why practicing this right as citizens is transcendental for the believers. We trust in God and his goodness, because we know that His wisdom and magnificence has given us liberties that carry on responsibilities.

Is it true that there is a type of restriction for whom to vote for in your church?

Suffrage is an act of liberty and every member of the church practices it with responsibility in a free and discreet manner.

Does the church have a message for the citizens as we are getting closer to this electoral process?

To act with maturity and social commitment. As believers and members of the church, we trust in God and wait in His goodness, knowing that each one of us is to assume the process to maintain the moral values of respect, fraternity and solidarity. We respect every elected official without taking into account the party he or she serves.

What do you say to the next president and candidates to become winners?

The members of the church pray and will keep praying every day on behalf of all of our authority leaders.  May God bless them with wisdom giving them the necessary skills to be able to lead this great nation, always working together in unity to keep moving forward, consolidating the ideals that our founding fathers dreamt for this nation.

Do you suggest who to vote for? Any spiritual guidance on how to vote?

Suffrage is an individual decision. Each one of us exercises this invaluable, civic duty with liberty and responsibility.

Trump or Biden? Which one is more convenient for The Light of the World Church?

Every member of the church is free to vote for whomever they decide to.

Anything else you would like to add?

I would like to thank you for letting me share this information through this media, and to reiterate that complying with our social and civic duties is also a way to manifest or identity and compromise, because we are the light of the world.


The Church of the Living God, Pillar and Ground of the Truth, 

‘The Light of the World’

 is a religious entity with a foundation in the Lord Jesus Christ, counting with an international headquarters in Guadalajara, Mexico. Today, the church is guided by the Apostle of Jesus Christ Naasón Joaquin Garcia, whose teaching demonstrates how to serve and worship God as well as transmit the principles and values of love, peace and respect to society. The church currently counts with a physical presence in more than 60 countries distributed throughout the world and a membership of more than 5 million worldwide.


Media Contacts:

Company Name: The Light Of The World
Full Name: Isaias Campos
Phone: 2109933907
Email Address: Send Email