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How To Turn Your Random Social Media Posts Into A Powerful Marketing Tool

PHOENIX, AZ - 01/16/2018 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — “Influence” is all the buzz in the business world. Though highly desired, “influence” is something that can’t be calculated. True influence comes from the conscious and subconscious messages being communicated in every situation- every impression we make.

With the average professional making over 50,000 impressions in person and online in one day- most of us are not using these moments to our advantage. Instead of looking at these moments as opportunities that they are, most of us view them more as random items to be checked off of our “to do” list.

Ali Craig, 20-year brander, impression manager, and founder of the International Society of Impression Managers ™ ( says, “Every single impression you make online or offline are all individual pieces to the puzzle of who you are and what you are about.”

Impression Management gives you the tools and space to understand the bigger conversation that is going on with regards to your personal and professional lives as well as all of the impressions you are currently (and have made) online and offline.

From taking the perfect picture to landing your next multi-million dollar event to creating a powerful in-person presentation that has investors clamoring to give you money for your next business venture to diffusing online haters in a powerful, yet permanent manner - Impression Managers are trained to see the full scope of the conversation at play and guide the impressions you make in an authentic, powerful, and influential manner.

So how can the modern professional make the most of the impressions you make?

  1. Do it with purpose. Craig says, “Intention creates influence. By being clear about your intentions within every situation- you begin to create clarity within your nonverbal communication.”

  2. Read the puzzle box. “Just like when you were a kid who got a new puzzle. You always used the box lid to guide you on putting pieces together.” Craig says same holds true with the impressions you make. You must be clear on what you want to know what type of impressions you want to make.

  3. You are always on. There are no more personal and professional sides to life. There is just life. And with cameras everywhere- you are always on. Craig reminds us to never forget that.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: International Society Of Impression Managers™
Full Name: Martha Christie
Email Address: Send Email
Website: ttps://