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How To Create Relationships Of Intelligent Influence

Cincinnati, Ohio - 03/20/2019 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — We live in an age of influence, yet as entrepreneurs we don’t want to influence just anybody. We want to be intelligent about who, how, where, and when we create such connections to best maximize our relationships and offers. But for many of us the struggle to simply matter in a sea of similar makes it a challenge to stand out within our industry’s landscapes let alone with our buying audience.


Apple Tv’s Brandpreneur™ Network wants to change all that. #Mogul week is a week’s worth of live streaming content designed to help entrepreneurs get out of their own ways and have the influence as well as income they deserve.


Together with International Society of Intelligent Influence ( ) founder and neuro human branding specialist, Ali Craig ) is going to show you the specific actions you must take to create relationships that create intelligent influence and in turn create income for you and your business.


“Everyone wants to be seen as an influencer, but the truth is that doing it the Kardashian way isn’t going to create influence, income, or have you looking very intelligent,” says Craig, “ Today’s entrepreneur must be smart and protective about the relationships they keep and in turn the influence they wield.”


#MogulWeek is available for viewing live #Mogul Week goes live on March 20th at 8pm est and can be seen LIVE on Brandpreneur™ Network’s Facebook Page. While the broadcast recordings will be available on  Apple Tv’s Brandpreneur™ Network as well as Roku, Android TV and Amazon Fire the next day.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: 3 Impressions LLC
Full Name: Martha Christie
Email Address: Send Email