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How Professional Business Photography Increases Sales

ORLANDO, FL - 01/29/2019 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — The old adage, “ A picture is worth more than a thousand words.” couldn’t be truer in today’s media overloaded society. And in today’s online marketplaces, it means that a picture can be worth more than thousands of dollars to a brand’s bottom line.


That’s why this week, Apple Tv’s Brandpreneur™ Network’s show Fix My Brand With Ali Craig® ( ) the team is live in Orlando, Fl with renowned branding and media photographer, Norma Lopez Molina ( giving you the skinny on how professional photography can increase any brand’s bottom line.


“To capturing the viewer's mind for more than a nanosecond to having a potential customer actually stop the scroll- the right photography for a brand let alone for a brand’s online presence are the elements that have a looker pause and become a liker of the brand they see,” says host Ali Craig. “ That is what modern brands face and must be successful at in this online day and age.” 

Don’t miss a minute of the action. Catch the 24 hours exclusive Facebook airing every Tuesday at 2:30 pm est and then going live on the Brandpreneur™ Network ( ) available on Apple Tv, Amazon Fire, Roku, and Android TV.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: 3 Impressions
Full Name: Martha Christie
Phone: 4803131918
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