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How One Modern Apothecary of Ancient Roots Is Helping People Reduce ‘Festive Stress’ This Holiday Season

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - 12/14/2018 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Colorado Springs, Colorado, December 13, 2018—It’s everywhere you look these days: people beginning to feel harried and stressed over the holiday season. According to research commissioned by the US Highbush Blueberry Council in December 2017, 31 percent of Americans described the holiday season as “frantic.” That’s 1 in every 3 adults. The initial burst of holiday-related stress turns to severe on December 18, and crescendos on Christmas afternoon. Bau Kin Pollick, Founder of Besamim Apothecary, understands and is determined to offer a pre-emptive solution.

“The hustle and bustle, bumper to bumper traffic, too many presents to buy and not enough money, worry about house guests coming to town, it all adds up,” says Pollick. And how do people cope? Typically by eating rich food and drinking alcohol. “These may temporarily ease feelings of stress, but they’re very short-term fixes that leave you bloated, miserable and with a worse state of health. That adds up to even MORE stress as you feel guilty about overindulging in attempts to cope,” continues Pollick.

In addition to recommending that you eat healthy foods, get rest, and manage gift-giving and other holiday expectations, Pollick has created a stress-busting bundle of ancient self-care remedies to support you along the way.  “Our Stress Relief Bundle has everything you need to weather the holidays: a Stress Tincture made with adaptogenic herbs that work to naturally regulate your cortisol levels; our Muscle Soothing & Stress Release Bath Salts and Sore Muscles Salve to help you unwind and revive; and our Bedtime Blend Loose Leaf Tea with infuser to help you fall asleep.”  The Stress Relief Bundle is on sale for $56.95 + S (regular retail price $66.95 + S) until December 31, 2018.


Bau Kin Pollick has been a business owner for over 11 years and along with her staff, have a combined expertise of over 20 years in the natural health industry.  Her apothecary is online and ships to locations in the continental US.


For information contact: or phone 855-950-9935

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Besamim, Inc.
Full Name: Bau Kin Pollick
Phone: 855-950-9935
Email Address: Send Email