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How Neutrino Energy helps Solve one of the World's Biggest Crisis - Overpopulation

Germany, Berlin, Berlin - 09/27/2019 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Every year, countless schoolchildren throughout the West are told that overpopulation is the biggest crisis currently facing the world. We're told that it's the number of people that's the problem and not our existing technological infrastructure. Is that true, however? It turns out that the grisly specter of overpopulation can be banished with nothing more than a little bit of energy.

Why do people cluster in cities?

Before we continue, there's an important question we need to ask: Why do people seem to congregate to cities? It's because cities have the most amenities and economic opportunities. Housing prices are higher, but urbanites receive rewards from their addresses that make it all worthwhile.

Making cities run efficiently, however, is no easy matter. A recent Forbes article explores the necessity of reorganizing the world into "smart cities" to combat climate change. Over time, these cities of the future would use progressively less energy while keeping the benefits of urban living intact.

According to this article, it's no longer possible to ignore the impact that climate change has on cities. Dense urban centers use more energy than any other type of human habitation, and determining how to generate and pump all this energy into cities is a huge civic engineering problem.

Benefits of decentralized energy production

If only urban energy production could be decentralized, then a lot of the problems facing developers would resolve themselves overnight. Even in the 21st century, rolling blackouts are common occurrences in cities around the globe when energy grids overload, and these disaster scenarios simply underline the overall inefficiencies and pitfalls of centralized energy production.

Electricity loses voltage over distance, which means that only a fraction of the energy that was produced at the source of generation reaches city dwellers. Ideally, every home would be equipped with its own coal-burning electricity plant, but fossil fuel technology is so inefficient and volatile that this idea was discarded long before it ever became a serious consideration.

While some homes are equipped with solar panels, these sustainable energy devices only generate electricity when they are exposed to direct sunlight, which sharply curtails the potential efficiency of photovoltaic cells. As it stands, most urbanites rely on coal-derived power pumped in from dozens of miles away supplemented with the tiny trickles of solar energy supplied by photovoltaic-equipped properties. Coal remains the world's primary power source, and as long as that remains the case, increasing urban density will remain a problem.

Benefits of on-site energy generation

Recently, the UN failed to include reducing population growth in its 17 Sustainable Development Goals guide. This spurred the ire of certain commentators who contend that human reproduction must be significantly limited if civilization is to survive.

These spiritual descendants of Thomas Malthus believe that the only way to save the human race is to limit its ability to procreate. However, has humanity ever progressed by limiting its ability to grow?

If only the human race had access to devices that could reliably generate electrical energy at the site of usage, then the current population crisis would suddenly disappear. The truth is that there are millions of acres of unused land on the surface of the Earth that are simply too far away from urban centers or other signs of civilization to be viable for habitation. With access to decentralized energy, however, human beings would be free to live wherever they wanted, drastically increasing the habitation potential of the planet.

Neutrino energy makes urban development seamless

Generating energy at the site of usage also makes providing for urban energy needs much more efficient. Urban population density can be increased without diminishing quality of life if energy production is optimized, and decentralizing the energy grid could also insulate the human race from the potential impact of catastrophic grid failure.

While everyone would agree that generating power in the center of a city is ideal, the problem is developing a technology that's capable of handling modern urban power needs. It seemed like a fantasy a decade ago, but neutrino-powered energy generators are rapidly becoming a reality within consumer and industrial markets around the world.

Neutrinovoltaics: A dream of clean energy renewed

A century ago, legendary inventor Nikola Tesla envisioned of a world powered by limitless clean energy. While his dream didn't come true in his lifetime, it seems that Tesla's peerless efforts have simply taken around 100 years to come to full maturity.

In 2015, scientists discovered that neutrinos have mass, and soon after, the University of Chicago demonstrated that this mass could be reliably converted into electrical energy. Neutrinovoltaic devices are incredibly simple and easy to maintain. Their primary energy-generating component consists of nano-materials that generate a harmonic resonance from neutrino impact that is then transformed into electricity.

Proposed neutrinovoltaic devices like the Neutrino Power Cube have very few moving parts, and they operate in deep darkness, in caverns under the Earth, in the starry wilderness, and in the depths of space. The world hasn't quite caught up yet, but the truth is that neutrino energy has already solved the looming energy crisis that makes overpopulation such an issue in the first place.

The Neutrino Energy Group is leading the clean energy revolution

Someone had to start the neutrino craze that is poised to sweep the world. Germany is one of the world's hubs of neutrino science, and Holger Schubart is one of Deutschland's most well-known neutrino-obsessed eccentrics. When it was announced that Schubart was partnering with American and other international colleagues to found the Neutrino Energy Group as CEO, the scientific community felt a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

After all, Holger Schubart has suddenly become one of the world's most impressive scientists even though the world used to look down on his ideas. Neutrinovoltaic technology is the vindication of Schubart's dream, and it's a gleaming ray of hope for all humanity to count on.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Neutrino Energy
Full Name: Holger Thorsten Schubart
Email Address: Send Email