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How Business Development Centers are Reducing Costs and Boosting Sales for Dealerships

United States, Minnesota - 09/07/2019 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Many dealership owners are attributing a lot of their success to having a BDC.

Minneapolis - 8-31-2019

Business operations at a dealership include a lot more than taking people on test-drives and getting them to buy. The backend of the business is what really makes the cogs turn, and brings in revenue. 


A business development center, or BDC, manages the day-to-day customer-facing calls that a dealership may not have time to handle. They answer calls and set your appointments but they also do so much more than that. BDCs increase customer satisfaction by following up on inquiries, remind people of lease expirations, and suggest a service schedule for their vehicle.


Because in-house BDCs can be expensive, impractical, and take up unneeded space, many dealership owners are turning to outsource. Customer Traac, for example, is a BDC that specifies in helping car dealerships handle appointment scheduling and in and outbound call management services and campaigns. Customer Traac VP of Sales and Operations, Dodie Armstrong, says, “By outsourcing business development centers, and handing off that relationship management, automotive dealers can focus on what they’re good at, while cutting costs - sometimes by more than half!” 


A combination of bloated internal BDCs and the downfall of corporate BDCs is leading companies to invest in smaller, outsourced BDCs like Customer Traac. “Our 25-year track record shows improved performance and profitability at hundreds of dealerships across the country,” Dodie proclaims. BDCs like Customer Traac offer customer service, appointment scheduling, and outbound call campaign services that ultimately bring in more leads and recurring customers. Overall, BDCs continue to prove the undeniable benefits that outsourcing these services can do for your company’s efficiency, profit, and revenue.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Customer Traac
Full Name: Cody A Warren
Phone: 6515007486
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