Published PR

Friends Don’t Let Friends Shop Chains

United States, Mississippi, Flowood - 05/06/2019 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS SHOP CHAINS



In this always Internet-connected society, it’s easy to jump on the mobile phone and order whatever is needed, but that convenience comes at a cost to the community you reside in. If you don’t shop locally, towns don’t get the much-needed tax revenue that supports the fire department, police, sanitation department, and other local services. The shopping area suffers when ignored by its citizens, often becoming a forgotten and abandoned part of a neighborhood.

When you have shopping to do, it’s tempting to take the easy route and head down to the mall – or easier still, just browse Amazon. Major chain stores and Internet retailers offer a huge selection, plus the convenience of one-stop shopping. On top of that, their prices often beat the local stores.
But keeping your dollars in your hometown has other advantages that are just as important as saving a few bucks, even if they’re not immediately obvious.


Locally owned businesses have a vested interest in knowing how to serve you. They’re passionate about what they do. Why not take advantage of it by supporting at least one or more local businesses during small business week (May 5th- May 11th

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Vintage Rec Boutique
Full Name: Cre Singleton
Phone: 6018298821
Email Address: Send Email