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Failed Obamacare & Prescription Drug Deaths Beg Preventive Health Care Says Expert

PRESCOTT AZ - 08/08/2016 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Seeing ObamaCare as a pending disaster, big insurers are cutting their support. It wasn’t a good deal for taxpayers when the only people who signed up were poorer people whose premiums were largely paid by taxpayers. (WSJ, 8-5-16)

“ObamaCare is taxation without representation,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, who agrees with Dr. Ben Carson that ObamaCare is the worst thing since slavery. 

Ruhling taught Health Science at Loma Linda University and wonders why he should pay taxes to support medical care for people who eat, drink, smoke and abuse as they please.

Contrary to the TV drugs ads, Ruhling decries ‘Ask-your-doctor’ for a prescription, saying the huge majority of symptoms come from what people put in their mouths, but it’s usually reversible if they know the cause and they change their habits.

Ruhling admits it’s easier said than done. He did physicals on executives who told him that sugar, cheese or meat bothered their joints, but when he got headaches, he didn’t know the cause. He consulted a neurologist who taught medical students and he said food was an unlikely cause of tension headaches.

But an allergist, member of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, tested him and found Ruhling was allergic to wheat—bread, pasta and pastry. When he quit those foods 100%, no more headaches! He says this concept applies to most chronic conditions when the doctor doesn’t know the cause. Ruhling was board-certified in internal medicine.

He explains that the body builds a tolerance to the allergic food, like to cigarettes—people don’t get sick when they smoke—they get symptoms when they don’t smoke, and that’s how food allergy symptoms can manifest.

Ruhling admits if he had started down the path of prescription drugs, he would probably be an addict now, as millions are dependent on drugs for relief of symptoms. He suggests a trial of avoiding suspected favorite foods or beverages (especially with caffeine as it can cause a wide range of problems). Avoidance for a minimum of a week will often increase one’s symptoms for 2-3 days before a person sees improvement by the 5th -7th day.

Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine can cause severe reactions on withdrawal, but fatality is rare, says Ruhling, explaining that withdrawal symptoms are just a natural response to the body cleansing itself.

“Drug action always represents artificial interference with the natural functioning of the organism. In the widest sense of the word, every drug is by definition a poison; pharmacology and toxicology are one, and the art of medicine is to use these poisons beneficially.” Drill’s Textbook of Pharmacology in Medicine, Possible Mechanisms of Drug Action, Chapter 5.

Toxicology was the science of how much chemical kills half the lab animals. Ruhling says the rules have changed, but the game is the same due to Adverse Drug Reactions as the leading cause of illness, disability and death, supported by the following medical reports:

Adverse Drug Reactions put 2.2 million people in hospitals and 106,000 died, "making these reactions between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death." Journal of American Medical Assoc, 4-15-1998  

But how many died at home? 199,000 according to the Western Journal of Medicine,  June, 2000. Deaths in and outside hospitals from prescription drugs totaled 305,000, with 8 million admissions to the hospital and 3 million for long-term care (nursing homes--these people were messed up for life, and the drug companies get a free pass from the Supreme Court—they usually can’t be sued for death or damages they caused.

"From 1998 through 2005, reported serious adverse drug events increased 2.6-fold...fatal adverse drug events increased 2.7-fold..." Archives of Internal Medicine, Sept 10, 2007, p 1752.

But if deaths increased 2.7 fold from 1998 to 2005, they are increased 6.9-fold by 2016, because the cause of the increase, TV drug ads approved in 1997, continue unabated—if anything, they are enhanced. 305,000 deaths/year in 1998 have become 2.1 million/year. These aren’t old people in nursing homes like those dying from heart disease --most of these people weren't in the hospital when the drug was prescribed.

2,100,000 deaths/year is nearly 7000 deaths daily--like two 9-11's daily! On 9-11, Congress grounded all planes. Why not stop the drugs or hold their makers responsible? For each death, 40 people are hospitalized with serious ADR, and 15 go to a nursing home, messed up for life in most cases.

Confronted with such figures, a U.S. Senator told Ruhling that he was wasting his time, saying "they own us," referring to the pharmaceutical industry that spends $400 million/year on congressional re-election campaigns, (Marcia Angell, MD, former editor of New England Journal of Medicine, 60 Minutes' interview).

Congress voted for ObamaCare—20,000 pages largely written by the drug companies, but Congress declines ObamaCare for themselves. Ruhling wonders, How dumb can we be?  

He says people should consider that the last call in the Bible to come out of Babylon, the confused systems of society, Revelation 18.  Verse 23 says all nations are deceived by [pharmakeia, Greek] Medical texts are filled with diseases of “unknown etiology.” They don’t know the cause, so how can the drug be the cure?  

Ruhling defines drugs as a substance foreign to the body of a poisonous nature. He admits some people need hormone help with insulin or thyroid and being natural to the body, they aren’t drugs in the same sense of this discussion, though they are regulated by the FDA.

For help to reverse many chronic conditions, Ruhling recommends a DVD featuring Bill Clinton’s cardiologist from the Cleveland Clinic—five minutes can be seen at and he recommends the best book he knows for preventive health care at

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Total Health
Full Name: Dr. Richard Ruhling
Email Address: Send Email