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Beverly Hills RN to Offer Classes in Nashville

Aesthetic and sexual wellness injectables training expands to second location

Medical professionals interested in becoming experts in cutting edge non-surgical aesthetic and sexual wellness treatments can now get quality training in Nashville.

NASHVILLE, TN - 04/19/2018 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Sylvia Silvestri, founder of Beverly Hills RN, is pleased to announce she will offer advanced training closer to the East Coast. Participants will learn basic techniques for neurotoxins, dermal fillers and micro-needling. Hands-on one-day certification with live models will enable attendees to become certified providers of the popular Vampire Facelift and Vampire Facial procedures.

“This is important to my business because many people who live on the East Coast simply do not have the time to spend traveling to the West Coast,” Silvestri said.

“With the success of the workshops in Beverly Hills, I noticed that many people were flying from other states such as Massachusetts, Minnesota and North Carolina. Nashville is centrally located in the United States and is also considered a destination location.”

Attendees will get training trademarked in platelet-rich plasma techniques that use the patient’s own blood to heal, regenerate tissue and build collagen. These techniques continue to gain in popularity as more celebrities use them.  

Silvestri, who received her training at Loma Linda University, has worked exclusively in Beverly Hills, Calif., for 20 years. Her experience comes from working in the busiest and most exclusive operating rooms and recovery facilities throughout the Los Angeles area and with top physicians.

She now trains physicians and nurses worldwide in how to administer injectables and facial toxins effectively.

Classes in Beverly Hills will continue on their monthly schedule. The expansion will bring new opportunities to nurses and physicians in the central and eastern states helping them save on accommodation, hotel and flight fees while still getting the same expert training they would receive in Beverly Hills.

“Bringing Beverly Hills RN to the middle of the country is an exciting opportunity for learning and growth for everyone involved,” Silvestri said.

Trainings will take place at The Rejuvenation Center at 1590 Bonnie Lane Ste. 101, Cordova.

To sign up or for more information, visit its website at or call 424-274-1024.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Beverly Hills RN
Full Name: Sylvia Silvestri
Email Address: Send Email